Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pregnancy Week 19

We have reached week 19!  If you have yet to feel those little wiggles and kicks you will be soon, as most women feel them around week 20.  If you're not sure if you've felt them yet, the first movements are usually described as butterflies fluttering in your stomach, or popcorn popping in your stomach.  They are very light and delicate at first so don't feel bad if you come to realize you've been mistaking those baby movements for gas!

This week your little one is about the size of a mango or sweet potato, approximately 6 inches long and half a pound! This is one of those weeks to be thankful we don't have a little window in our belly's to look in.  This is because this week your baby starts to get covered with the cottage cheese looking film called vernix caseosa.  This oh so beautiful film covers your baby's skin, protecting it from the amniotic fluid.  Even though the thought of your baby being dipped in cottage cheese makes your stomach a little queazy, it serves a very good purpose, without it your baby would looked wrinkled an prunish when he is born (think sitting in a pool for nine months-eewww).  But fear not, there vernix caseosa usually disappears as delivery come close, however some babies are born with the coating. However, after labor you're not looking  all that fresh yourself and quite frankly you don't care what the baby looks like, you're just so happy he is here!

Following the theme from last week, muscle pains are abound this week as well.  Once again this is due to your growing belly pushing your spine out of alignment and adding extra weight to your legs and hips.  So don't be surprised if you are getting ready to fall asleep when, BOOM massive leg cramp that has you thinking labor is going to be cake.  I usually ask my wonderful husband to massage my legs before going to bed and this usually helps, also a warm bath can also help.  Another trick for overall muscle relief is take a bath with epsom salt, however check with your OB to make sure there aren't any issues in your pregnancy that prevent the use of epsom salt. Additionally, you can do a prenatal massage to releave muscle pain, or try a prenatal chiropractor to help realign your spine and hips.  Once again, check you your health care provider before doing these and see if they have anyone they would recommend.

Along with the wonderful muscle pain you might also be experiencing tingling and numbness in your fingers and toes.  It feels weird but it is totally normal.  While no one really knows why it happens, one theory suggests that it may be a result of your swelling body tissue pressing on! However, I also suggest letting your health care provider know what's going on with you even if you think it's normal, because if it persist various symptoms could be signs of more serious issues.

So that's our overlook to pregnancy week 19.  While you may be an emotional eating machine who is plagued with muscle and joint pain, just remember the second you feel that wiggle or kick, every ache, midnight pee, or snack is completely worth it!

Week 18
Week 20

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