Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pregnancy Week 20

Congratulations! You are now officially half way through your pregnancy! Take a moment to bask in the glorious fact that you are half way done with GROWING A FREAKING HUMAN BEING! Now that you have basked in the glory that is you, lets get started on some of the cold hard facts about week 20.

At this stage your little one is approximately the size of a Mango measuring 6.5 inches from crown to rump and weighing about 10 ounces.  At 20 weeks babies begin to be measured from crown to feet since they are now able to stretch out more and measurement is much easier.  I few are going from crown to feet, your little one measures closer to 10 inches and is about the length of a banana. This will also be the week you get to do the anatomy ultrasound! This is seriously the coolest test you will have done during your pregnancy, and it is also the time when you get to find out what you're having (if you haven't found out through genetic testing yet).  If your having a girl, her uterus is now fully formed with her ovaries holding up to 7 million eggs! When we were pregnant with Isabella our doctor was able to see her uterus and fallopian tubes during the anatomy ultrasound!  Now if you're having a boy (like I am this time around) his testicles are beginning to descend from the abdomen to the scrotum (kind of weird when you think about it).  By this point in your pregnancy you should be able to feel your little one moving inside of you because he has grown large enough that you will feel his tumbles (although you won't feel all of them).  These will usually feel like bubbles or popcorn popping so be on the look out!  If you haven't felt any of those sensations yet, don't worry about it, but let your doctor know so they can carefully review your ultrasound.

Now that you are half way through your pregnancy you will start showing a nice little bump (if you haven't already).  This will likely bring about smiles from passersby and a lot of very nice behavior, like opening doors for you and offering you seats in waiting rooms.  Although, unfortunately I wouldn't expect this behavior to be as consistent once your bundle is here, sad I know but from personal experience it's true.  In addition to the nice smiles you're getting, you will also notice you nails are getting stronger, unless they are getting dry and more brittle (I know, pregnancy is so contradictory). Also, your hair is thicker and more fuller, although this will occur all over your body so be prepared.  This is due to those ever present pregnancy hormones and the increased circulation which is pumping said hormones throughout your body in rapid succession.

Some symptoms you might have felt so far include, but are not limited to: heartburn/indigestion, increased vaginal discharge (yay), occasional headaches, occasional faintness/dizziness, leg cramps, mild swelling of ankles/feet, and maybe a protruding belly button.

Week 19
Week 21

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