Monday, March 31, 2014

Pregnancy Week 13

Your baby is now the size of a peach...finally a yummy fruit to match your yummy baby!  Additionally, her head is now about half the size of her crown-to-rump length.  But don't worry, by the time that you give birth her body will measure about three-quarters of her total size. Tiny bones are beginning to form in her arms and legs, and the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen.  Vocal cords are under construction this week as well. Because she's able to move her arms and she has those individualized fingers she may be able to get her thumb into her little mouth resulting in some pretty cute thumb sucking ultrasound pictures!

So thirteen weeks into this whole party the issue of sex has probably come up.  How you feel about sex while pregnant varies, not only by pregnancy, or by woman, but sometimes by the day.  Your husband may be all about your blossoming boobies, but you on the other hand may feel far from frisky with your bloating, constipation, nassea, dizziness, etc; don't worry that is all normal.  OR, you may be feeling extra frisky but your partner is completely terrified he's going to "dent the baby" that's normal too.  Let him know that the baby is way up there protected by the cervix, and that you're sorry to inform him, that despite his beliefs he is NOT that big!  What's important at this time is to reopen and honest with your partner and for you each to find a level and form of intimacy that satisfies you both.  Along with all this awkward sex stuff you thought you had overcome in high school, you may also experience a thin mild-smelling milky vaginal discharge called leukarrhea, that protects the birth canal from infection and keeps the bacteria in your vagina in a healthy balance. Don't be concerned with this because it's completely normal and will likely increase as your pregnancy continues.  SO are you red in the face with embarrassment yet? Don't worry, by the end of this entire experience you are going to become so comfortable with your body and all of it's changes, you will truly begin to be in awe of all the amazing things it is capable of.

Week 12
Week 14

Pregnancy Week 12

At this point, your little one is about the size of a plum and weighs about half and ounce.  All that growing that has been going on these past eleven weeks has paid off, and most of her systems are in place, although they still have a lot of maturing and growing to do.  One system starting to practice for the big time is her digestive system.  Her digestive system is beginning to practice the contraction movements that are necessary for eating. Also, her bone marrow is making white blood cells to help her fight off those icky germs she's going to be exposed to when she's out of the protection of your womb.  The pituitary gland has started producing the hormones that will enable her to make babies of her a LONG time.

If your starting to feel dizzy with all this information, sit down, because it may just be another pesky pregnancy symptom.  The increase of progesterone during pregnancy causes an increase in blood glow to your baby by relaxing your blood vessels, which also decreases the amount of blood flow to your brain (maybe that's what causes baby brain).  This decrease of blood to your brain, along with lower blood sugar levels can lead to some pretty while dizzy spells.  This happened to me quite a bit when I was pregnancy with Isabella, but thankfully this time it's only been a couple times..although I would gladly trade in the nausea for the diziness (grass is always greener). To help combat these dizzy spells eat regularly, get lots of rest, and try your hardest to stand up SLOWLY.

Week 11
Week 13

Pregnancy Week 11

Your baby is now about 2 inches long! During this past week she has started growing hair follicles, fingernails, and if she's a girl, ovaries.  Now lets just step back a second and think about this...there is a person growing inside you, who is growing FINGERNAILS!!! I think that's pretty freakin' awesome.  Along with that amazingness, she has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in front of her body with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of her nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples...nipples!  Adding to her human-ness, there are no more webbed hands and feet, yup, your little one now has ten individual fingers and toes!  There has been A LOT of growing this past we see a theme here?

For you this week you've probably noticed an increase in your hunger and eating habit, I mean we need to fuel all that fingernail growth somehow!  Don't worry if your not there yet, that's probably because your morning sickness hasn't faded yet, but it will soon.  But while you may want to eat non-stop, remember that pregnancy is not a sprint it's a marathon.  Try to ease your hunger pains but don't go over board with crazy amounts of food or super unhealthy snacks, remember whatever you eat, your baby eats.  I really like to stock up on greek yogurt with toppings like chobani or yopa, that way when I have a sweet craving I can pick some yogurt with chocolate topping so I get a little bit of sugar, but also get protein and some fruit.  I also recommend apple slices or celery with peanut butter to ease those cravings.  My general rule was, if it was a healthy craving (strawberries) then I would just go to town, if it was a not so healthy craving like chocolate, I would eat just enough to satiate my craving and move on.

Pregnancy Week 10

Your baby is now the size of a prune (don't you just love the fruit comparisons), along with moving up the vegetation hierarchy your little one has small indentations on his legs that will soon become knees and ankles, and his arms have tiny elbows that bend! At this point the little joints can move and if you are lucky (like I was) you may even see your little peanut (or prune) move at your next ultrasound visit!!! Mine is such a ham he was waving "hi" to least that's what I'm telling myself.  Along with the forming of basic joints, inside his tiny mouth baby teeth are beginning to form under the gums.  His stomach and kidneys are gearing up, producing digestive juices and urine, and if it's a boy his testes are making testosterone!!

So at week ten we have a laundry list of pregnancy symptoms: exhaustion, bloating, crazy emotion which make you feel bipolar, heart burn, vomiting and nausea, and this week we can add constipation (yay!).  Even if you are lucky and don't have this entire list, I have never, EVER heard of  a woman escaping completely Scot free, you will have SOMETHING!  To ease the constipation you can eat whole grains and veggies along with drinking LOTS of water and exercising regularly...even walking around the block will help move things along. Along with constipation, the increase in your blood supply may result in increased instances of headaches and newly visible veins (fun)! While headaches are normal, if they persist for long periods of time or are severe, or if they just freak you out a little, bring it up to your doctor so she can make sure your blood pressure is in check.

Week 9
Week 11

Pregnancy Week 9

Your baby is now the size of a green olive, and has grown an inch since last week!  While your wee-one isn't moving a shaking right now, muscles are starting for form and soon you will be feeling those amazing little kicks in your belly!  While you won't be able to FEEL anything right now, at your next visit you might be able to HEAR your baby's heart go bump, bump bump via doppler at your next visit!

So this week is when the major exhaustion starts to kick in, your body is working overtime 24/7 to not only grow your baby but to grow the placenta which will help protect and feed your love bug.  In addition to the placenta making you tired hormones levels and your metabolism skyrocket, which results in a decrease in blood sugar and blood pressure which adds to your exhaustion.  But don't feel bad, embrace the urge to sleep and nap whenever and wherever you can.  If this is not your first child have your partner take the new big sister or brother out for some one on one time, while you stay home and sleep.  My hubby did that on one of my more tired days and it was GLORIOUS, I ended up sleeping 15 hours that day and it was the greatest gift I could have received...except for my kids of course.

Week 8
Week 10

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pregnancy Week 8

Your baby is growing, growing, growing..about a millimeter EACH DAY, and now it's the size of a large raspberry.  While she still has webbed feet and hands, your little one has lost its little tail...slowly but surely loosing its reptilian appearance.  Helping to her appearance her lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back continue to develop.  Also, her heart is now beating 150 times per minute, about twice as fast as yours!  She is also making spontaneous movements...even though you won't be able to feel it for several more weeks.

At eight weeks you are kind of in a no mans land, not really big enough for maternity clothes, but your regular clothes are beginning to feel snug, and you probably need a new bra.  I went an bought a small maternity bra so I was comfortable and could grow into it.  With my first pregnancy I bought a belly band to help hold my pants on while they were unbuttoned.  However, with this pregnancy, I find that I am too pressed for time in the morning to even find my belly band, so I have resorted to using a hair tie wrapped around the button and through the hole of the pants to hold them works, and my shirt cover it (don't judge).  While my first pregnancy I escaped all instances of queasiness, this time around...not so much. If you eat small meals often it helps combat the queasiness. Also many maternity stores sell mommy candy that have special herbs that help ease the sensation.  I also started taking my prenatal vitamins at night since that is when I was less queazy and less likely to vomit them back up (fun!).

Week 7
Week 9

Pregnancy Week 7

Now at the size of a blueberry, your little one is 10,000 times bigger than it was at conception!  Most of that growth is centered in the head as new brain cells are created at a rate of 100 per minute...see you knew your child was a genius!  Also this week your child's mouth and tongue are forming, along with the sprouting of leg and arm buds.  Also, by this point the kidneys are getting ready to produce and excrete pee!

So much to your partner's joy... and your horror, your breasts have probably grown at a freakishly alarming rate.  Some expectant mommy's have already grown a full cup size by week 7 (I'm one of the 'lucky" ones that have this happen).  Now this might be the best news ever, if your boobs weren't so tender.  Most likely you can barely stand the fabric of your bra, let along your over excited partner!    The reason for this big boob bonanza are those wonderful pregnancy hormones who are creating an increase in blood flow and a build up of fat, all of which are helping your lovely jubilees to get ready for breast feeding.

Week 6
Week 8

Pregnancy Week 6

This week your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form and will eventually become that cute face you see on your 4D ultrasound.  His or her kidneys, liver, and lungs are also developing, and her heart is not beating 80 times a minute! All of this is packed into a little body no bigger than a nail head!

You may not look pregnant, but inside your body is pregnancy central!  The pregnancy hormone hCG is creating an increase in blood flow to your pelvic area, and your kidneys are becoming more efficient at eliminating waste, put this with the fact your growing uterus is pushing on your bladder and its no wonder you're running to the bathroom after every sip of water!  Also during this week if you are one of the (un)lucky many you may also be experience bloating, queasiness, cravings, or food aversions. Who said pregnancy was a joyous event again? It's okay if you think that while clutching the toilet bowl...we won't tell.

Week 5

Pregnancy Week 5

Your baby now looks like a tiny tadpole, complete with a cute little tail, and yes you will think it is me.  Also, it has grown to the size of an orange seed. The circulatory system along with the heart is the first organ system to become functional.  And if you are lucky enough to get an ultrasound this early, you may be able to see it's little heartbeat! In addition to the heart, the neural tube is also under construction...this will eventually become your baby's brain and spinal start those prenatal vitamins with DHA now!

By this point your body should be a checklist of the early pregnancy symptoms: nausea, tender boobs, fatigue, and of course a missed period; at it is at this point when your pee become magic and will turn that little line a nice dark +, or if you're like me a bright "pregnant" sign on the digital tester.

Week 4
Week 6

Pregnancy Week 4

Your baby is now the size of a poppy seed, and has made its way to its new home for the next 9 months or so...the uterus.  After it attaches to the uterus, the blastocyst divides into two groups of cells.  Half of the cells will become the actual baby or embryo and the other half will become the placenta (you know the liquid pouch that helps nourish and protect your baby while it grows inside you...also known as that thing some women have dried and encapsulated to take after delivery).  Once the initial division has happened the embryo cells begin to divide into specialized parts that will become every part of your baby's body.  The inner layer will become its digestive system, liver, and lungs.  The middle layer will be the baby's heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys, and muscles. And the outer layer will form the baby's nervous system, hair, skin, and eyes.

During this time, you may begin to feel some new symptoms as well, unfortunately these symptoms mimic PMS symptoms.  Yup, don't be discouraged by the bloating, cramping, and mood swings; because they could still be early signs of pregnancy...just another one of mother nature's cruel jokes I guess.  It is at this time that you may experience implantation bleeding.  Don't worry it is completely normal and harmless to experience this light pink, red, or brown spotting. You also might feel a little pressure in your abdomen, and your boobs may become more tender and bigger (woo hoo).

Week 3
Week 5

Pregnancy Week 3

FINALLY! The moment has arrived...well not THAT moment, but the moment that will start your journey on the long road of pregnancy and've conceived!  During this week your little bundle of cells (or zygote) divides several times to become a little ball of microscopic cells that will soon grow to your little snuggle bug! As it divides the blastocyst (I know medical terminology really needs to be revamped) moves down your fallopian tube to the uterus, where it will implant into the uterine wall and grow.

Now at this point you are blissfully (or not blissfully if this is the one millionth time you've tried to conceive) unaware of what's going on inside your body.  Although your body is hard at work producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone to help your body house your little one, nothing is really happening to you physically...yet.  Although you may experience some "break through bleeding" when the blastocyst implants in the uterine lining. Don't worry if you mistake this as a really light period...I did.

Week 2
Week 4

Pregnancy Week 2

Okay, so this week is a little weird, because YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY PREGNANT YET! Can we give a big WTF to this! The reason that this week is part of your pregnancy is because doctors calculate from the first day of your last period, and assume you have a regular 28 day cycle,  for easy calculation of a 40 week pregnancy. This results you not being pregnant at all in the first couple weeks of your pregnancy,

What is happening right now is your body is preparing for an essential part of the pregnancy process...ovulation.  Right now the lining of your uterus is thickening preparing for a fertilized egg to attach.  All the while the follicles on your fallopian tube are beginning to mature, and one of these follicles will release the egg that if met by sperm will become your happy little baby!

Week 1
week 3

Pregnancy Week 1

Okay, so this week is a little weird, because YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY PREGNANT YET! Can we give a big WTF to this! The reason that this week is part of your pregnancy is because doctors calculate from the first day of your last period, and assume you have a regular 28 day cycle,  for easy calculation of a 40 week pregnancy. This results you not being pregnant at all in the first couple weeks of your pregnancy,

What is happening right now is your body is preparing for an essential part of the pregnancy process...ovulation.  Right now the lining of your uterus is thickening preparing for a fertilized egg to attach.  All the while the follicles on your fallopian tube are beginning to mature, and one of these follicles will release the egg that if met by sperm will become your happy little baby!

Week 1

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Birth Story

Every woman's birth story is completely different, like the kids we bring into this world.  I was one of those women that everyone hates, my pregnancy was ridiculously easy.  I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was almost eight weeks along. I never got morning sickness,  or backaches, or growing pains...if it weren't for my growing belly and the occasional headache and heartburn, I really wouldn't have even known I was pregnant.  My birth story is pretty much the same, completely different than your "typical" (if there is such a thing) birth story. I had Braxton Hicks contractions on and off from 22 weeks on.  We lived over an hour away from the hospital at the time and my doctor was concerned that my labor would go very quickly due to all the practice my body was having. So a week before I delivered my daughter, my husband and I were sent to the hospital's hotel where I spent my days while my husband was at work.  Exactly one week after we checked in to the hotel I went with my mom to a regular doctors visit, it was still three weeks before my due date so I told my husband to go to work because nothing was going to happen.  I met my mom and sister (who had literally just arrived from New York) at my doctor's office.  We went in and she started my regular exam, however within a few minutes she stepped back and said "Pam do you know you're in labor?" I looked at her shocked and said "No!" She then told me that I was 3 1/2 cm dilated and that I needed to go to the hospital NOW.

I wasn't feeling any contractions or anything, so I convinced my mom and sister to let me walk the two blocks to the hospital (I know I'm crazy).  We went to the L&D ward and I was checked in. Once we got settled into the LD&R room I was at 4 1/2 cm. At that time my doctor broke my water and the contractions REALLY started!  I labored for about an hour and half naturally because I really wanted to have a completely natural birth.  However, I wasn't able to walk around because my blood pressure rose and I have a heart condition. Since I wasn't able to move as much as I wanted (even though the hospital was VERY occomidating) I eventually asked for an epidural. It took an half hour or so for the anesthesiologist to arrive and give me the epidural.  After that everything was nice and calm. I was talking to my mom and husband (who had made the hour drive in less than 45 minutes), when the nurse told me to let her know if I felt any pressure.  I told her that I had been feeling pressure for over an hour. She and another nurse examined me, their eyes grew to half the size of their heads and they said, "the baby's almost here don't push we're going to get the doctor." They ran off and a couple minutes later the doctor came in and told me that I was ready to go!

I began pushing and everything was going great. The doctor even asked my husband to hold my leg...he tried but then looked like he was about to pass out so my mom did it (got to love moms). I pushed for about an hour and a half and then my beautiful baby girl came into this world, after an overall quick labor of 6 1/2 hours! It was the most magical and amazing day of my life and I still remember every detail of it, with so much joy.  For my next posts on this blog, I will be going over pregnancy week by week and give you all the details of THIS very different pregnancy!