Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pregnancy Week 6

This week your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form and will eventually become that cute face you see on your 4D ultrasound.  His or her kidneys, liver, and lungs are also developing, and her heart is not beating 80 times a minute! All of this is packed into a little body no bigger than a nail head!

You may not look pregnant, but inside your body is pregnancy central!  The pregnancy hormone hCG is creating an increase in blood flow to your pelvic area, and your kidneys are becoming more efficient at eliminating waste, put this with the fact your growing uterus is pushing on your bladder and its no wonder you're running to the bathroom after every sip of water!  Also during this week if you are one of the (un)lucky many you may also be experience bloating, queasiness, cravings, or food aversions. Who said pregnancy was a joyous event again? It's okay if you think that while clutching the toilet bowl...we won't tell.

Week 5

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