Thursday, March 27, 2014

Pregnancy Week 4

Your baby is now the size of a poppy seed, and has made its way to its new home for the next 9 months or so...the uterus.  After it attaches to the uterus, the blastocyst divides into two groups of cells.  Half of the cells will become the actual baby or embryo and the other half will become the placenta (you know the liquid pouch that helps nourish and protect your baby while it grows inside you...also known as that thing some women have dried and encapsulated to take after delivery).  Once the initial division has happened the embryo cells begin to divide into specialized parts that will become every part of your baby's body.  The inner layer will become its digestive system, liver, and lungs.  The middle layer will be the baby's heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys, and muscles. And the outer layer will form the baby's nervous system, hair, skin, and eyes.

During this time, you may begin to feel some new symptoms as well, unfortunately these symptoms mimic PMS symptoms.  Yup, don't be discouraged by the bloating, cramping, and mood swings; because they could still be early signs of pregnancy...just another one of mother nature's cruel jokes I guess.  It is at this time that you may experience implantation bleeding.  Don't worry it is completely normal and harmless to experience this light pink, red, or brown spotting. You also might feel a little pressure in your abdomen, and your boobs may become more tender and bigger (woo hoo).

Week 3
Week 5

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